Moon Reece

Artist Bio


Encouraged from her early years to create by her artist parents, Moon Reece studied painting and sculpture at Texas State University. For the past 30 years, between generating websites, logos, marketing graphics, wedding invitations, producing commissioned artworks, and publishing a watercolor alphabet book, Moon has continued to expand her distinctive abstract interpretations of seasons and landscapes.


Moon Reece uses Sgraffito marks and Asemic writing while the paint is still malleable to express thoughts and contrasting tones to enhance the composition.


Currently living in Wimberley, Texas, Moon depicts how the seasons transform our Hill Country landscapes by expressing her interpretation as cubist abstract impressionism. She is working on three projects, a series called “Intentions” (a project with purposeful and thoughtfully executed art), meditative watercolors, and illustrating new letters for her Watercolor Alphabet.

Asemic Writing

Asemic writing is a wordless form of writing. Using strokes that resemble an alphabetic language but are more image than text, viewers may attribute intent or their value to the figures. This art form is open to interpretation.



Moon has dyslexia and early on developed illegible handwriting to scratch her spontaneous pros into the wet paint of her art without being judged for her spelling mistakes. Over the years, writing became less a language and more an artistic expression unbound by the semantics of words.


Endure 3 Detail

 Intentions - Seasons

First Snow Melt Detail

 Intentions - Seasons

February Snow Melt Detail

Intentions - Seasons


Sgraffito is a technique produced by applying layers of contrasting colors and then scratching the surface color to reveal the underlying layer.

Moon has been carving words and shapes into uncured paint for over 30 years.

Autumn Rest Detail

Intentions & Seasons

Autumn Rest Detail

intentions & seasons

February Snow Melt Detail

intentions & seasons

Get In Touch

If you are local to the Austin Area and interested in showings and available art, please let us know.